On effective date, the Indian Act ceased to apply to the Maa-nulth Treaty. At midnight March 31, 2011 the elder’s of KCFN each took a page of the Indian Act and threw it into a bonfire as fireworks went off into the night sky.
In April 2011, the Ka:’yu:’k’t’h’ / Che:k’tles7et’h’ became Self Governing Nation under the Maa-nulth Treaty. This comes with the Law Making Powers over Treaty Settlement Lands. KCFN has enacted a number of laws since effective date. (Laws listed and also available at maanulth.ca). The treaty requires that each MNA Nation have a Constitution that provides structures and powers of Government.
The structure of the KCFN Government consists of:
- 1 Elected Legislative Chief;
- 4 Elected Legislative Members;
- 4 Ha’wiih appointed from the Ha’wiih Advisory Council.
April 18, 2023 Election Results
Legislative Chief: Benjamin Gillette
Legislative Members: Lillian Jack, Matthew Jack, Devon Hansen and Larissa Hansen
Legislative Ha’wiih: Samantha Christiansen, Valerie Hansen, Francis Gillette and Bill Oscar.
The KCFN Government is designed to separate politics from administration and business while providing democracy, transparency, certainty and clearly defined government roles and responsibility.
Cynthia Blackstone, Chief Administrative Officer carries on day to day administrative duties.
First Nations
First Nations